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In 1984, Soviet software programmer Alexey Pajitnov invented the iconic puzzle game Tetris. In the late 1980s, during a legal battle over the ownership of the rights, several corporations made it available for use on a wide range of platforms. While Nintendo distributed Tetris for a long time, Pajitnov and Henk Rogers created the Tetris Company in 1996 to manage license.
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In 1984, Soviet software programmer Alexey Pajitnov invented the iconic puzzle game Tetris. In the late 1980s, during a legal battle over the ownership of the rights, several corporations made it available for use on a wide range of platforms. While Nintendo distributed Tetris for a long time, Pajitnov and Henk Rogers created the Tetris Company in 1996 to manage license.
Yes, I played this logic game.
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Tell me, have you ever played online mahjong? If not, you are missing out on a lot. After all, the game of mahjong is a great way to train your brain. I offer you play mahjong right now for free and without registration. On the mahjonggmentor website you will find many interesting layouts of mahjong tiles and you can even find out details about the origin of the game of mahjong in ancient China.
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Hi, it's very cool thank's for sharing.
Dernière modification par mayorka2202 (28/11/2024 01:49:40)
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Salut à tous ! Tetris est vraiment un classique intemporel, et c'est fascinant de voir comment il a évolué depuis sa création en 1984. J'adore y jouer en ligne pour me détendre ou pour défier mes amis. D'ailleurs, quelqu'un a des astuces pour battre des records ? Perso, je trouve que le mode 'Marathon' est un vrai test d'endurance et de concentration. Et pour ceux qui aiment les jeux de réflexion, avez-vous essayé des variantes comme Tetris 99 ou Tetris Effect escape road? Ils apportent une touche moderne tout en gardant l'esprit du jeu original. En tout cas, merci pour le partage, ça donne envie de replonger dedans !
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